Do Auto Insurance Requirements Vary by State?

Almost all states in the U.S. require drivers to purchase liability insurance to cover bodily injury to third parties as well as property damage. However, the amount of liability coverage you need will vary from state to state. Moreover, some states require you to purchase other forms of coverage besides liability insurance.

Arizona Auto Insurance Requirements

Arizona drivers need bodily injury liability insurance to cover up to $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. Additionally, you’ll need at least $15,000 to cover property damage.

California Auto Insurance Requirements

If you drive in California, you’ll need liability coverage of $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident, and $5,000 for property damage.

Nevada Auto Insurance Requirements

In Nevada, drivers need to have at least $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person as well as $50,000 in liability coverage per accident. Additionally, you’ll need at least $20,000 in property damage insurance.

Oregon Auto Insurance Requirements

In Oregon, you’ll need not just bodily liability and property damage coverage but also uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection. Minimal coverage requirements for liability and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage are $25,000 for bodily injury per person and $50,000 per accident. Property damage coverage is $20,000 per accident. Your personal injury protection policy should cover at least $15,000.

Get the Policy You Need from Avail Insurance Solutions LLC

Avail Insurance Solutions LLC makes it easy for drivers in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona to find the insurance coverage they need for any vehicle. We offer minimal coverage options as well as additional forms of coverage to ensure you’re completely covered no matter what happens. Contact us to learn more about your policy options and get personalized advice to help you find great coverage at a great price.

Beyond Ordinary: The Unique Needs of Classic Car Owners in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona

Whether you reside in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona, Avail Insurance Solutions LLC is here to provide all of the help you need with your classic car insurance. While these policies will often differ from typical auto insurance policies, we are happy to help you understand it all. Be sure to read on to learn more about the following pointers.

Know Your Vehicle’s Value

Collector cars are not always going to maintain the same value. These cars tend to appreciate in value, and it is crucial to bear this in mind. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that classic cars will have the same value that they always had. This is how you ensure that the vehicle in question is guaranteed for the full market value.

Proving Lack of Usage

Classic cars are usually not driven daily, but there are instances where this will need to be proven before a policy can be agreed upon. In most cases, it is best to provide this evidence before it is even asked for. When speaking with insurance brokers, one of the smartest things you can do is provide proof that every other member of your household with a driver’s license is using a different vehicle.

Showing Your Driving Record

A driving record is crucial as far as any form of auto insurance is concerned. However, it is only of added importance for classic car insurance. Depending on the state where you reside, you may only be able to obtain classic car insurance if your driving record is 100 percent clean.

Classic car owners in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona are urged to contact Avail Insurance Solutions as soon as possible. Let our team of professionals offer all of the necessary insights so that you can make a truly informed choice. Contact us today if you have any further questions or concerns about potential policies.

Why Every Homeowner Must Have Home Insurance

For many people, having home insurance is a requirement. For others, it’s still an essential way to protect yourself. Going without home insurance opens you up to countless risks that could be financially devastating. Don’t go a day without this coverage. To get your policy, call us at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC if you’re in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona. 

Mortgage Lenders

If you get a mortgage loan to buy your home, your lender will require you to have home insurance. This is because the lender is investing heavily in your home. The lender doesn’t want a damaging event to happen to the house that causes damage you aren’t able to pay for. To protect its investment, every lender will require you to have this insurance policy. 

Covenants and HOAs

If you move into an area with a homeowner’s association, or HOA, this organization will have a long list of rules you must follow. One of those will be to have and keep a home insurance policy. An HOA is concerned with the property values of everyone in the area, and this means ensuring and paying for repairs after a damaging event. Even if you don’t have an HOA, you will likely have covenants when you buy your home. These are often less restricting than the rules from an HOA, but they will also require that you have a home insurance policy. The idea is the same- to keep homes in the area from being in disrepair and bringing down property values around it. 

Get Your Home Insurance Policy

We can help when you’re buying a home or switching home policies. Call us at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC to find out more about getting home insurance in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona. 

Can You Purchase Auto Insurance With a Foreign Driver’s License?

Most car owners are familiar with the above topic, but there are options for individuals to be insured with a foreign driver’s insurance. The Avail Insurance Solutions LLC of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona team can provide further information or tailor a temporary auto insurance policy that safeguards an international driver from potential disaster. 

What are the Parameters for Purchasing Auto Insurance with a Foreign Driver’s Insurance?

Foreign drivers can purchase a short-term auto insurance policy (6-12 months). It is the same requirement as renting a vehicle at the airport. The rental car company often offers minimal auto insurance as part of the agreement. Most insurance companies believe it is the best option for foreign tourists driving in the United States. 

But if your stay is any longer, you must obtain a valid United States driver’s license. Depending on your home country, you could apply for an international driving permit with the local Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) where you are staying. Keep in mind that you may have to forfeit your country driver’s license.

Canadian Driver’s Requirements

Canadian drivers crossing the American border have slightly different requirements. If they’re vacationing, their driver’s license and a valid auto insurance policy are required to travel throughout the United States.

However, if you are permanently relocating to the United States, you will need a valid driver’s license from a local DMV. The process begins by forfeiting your Canadian driver’s license and passing a written test before receiving a United States driver’s license.

If you have a foreign driver’s license and are planning to spend time in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona, contact our team at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC. We are eager to help you get auto insurance during your stay in the United States. Our expertise can tailor a temporary policy that protects your vehicle for a short-term visit to our country. Call and schedule an appointment today.

What Does Classic Car Insurance Cover

Protecting Your Vintage Automobile with Classic Car Insurance

Vintage vehicles are a treasured asset for those who appreciate the charm of early automotive technologies. Avail Insurance Solutions LLC offers comprehensive insurance solutions for classic car enthusiasts from California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. We’re dedicated to demystifying insurance coverage and helping you protect your cherished possessions.

What Qualifies as a Classic Car?

For your car to be considered a classic car by insurance providers, it must be at least ten years old and possess a significant historical context within the automotive industry. Ideally, your cherished classic car is not your primary mode of transport. Some insurers also require these vehicles to be stored in a secure garage to qualify. Meeting these specifications enhances the value of your vehicle.

Insuring Your Classic Car

Classic car insurance shares some commonalities with standard auto insurance. For instance, insurers may request your annual mileage to design a policy that offers protection against possible accident damage and bodily injury during vintage car show outings. They may also include coverage for the occasional weekend drive.

The Divergence of Classic Car and Auto Insurance

The primary difference between classic car and standard auto insurance lies in the vehicle’s valuation. A regularly used car depreciates over time, whereas a classic car appreciates in value when restored to its original condition. Each policy defines vehicle usage differently, and coverage is usually based on provided mileage details.

Reach Out to Avail Insurance Solutions LLC

If you’re a classic car owner residing in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona and have queries regarding the right insurance coverage for your vintage car, don’t hesitate to connect with our team at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC. We’re eager to answer your questions and can tailor a policy that safeguards your investment effectively. To schedule an appointment, get in touch today!

Will my homeowners’ insurance pay for the repair of my flooded car?

Homeowners insurance is property insurance designed to cover a wide variety of different areas. However, there are specific areas that aren’t covered by homeowners’ insurance. For example, certain natural disasters as well as damage that your home sustains as a result of natural wear and tear over time, aren’t covered by your homeowners’ policy.

At Avail Insurance Solutions LLC, our team is committed to helping California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona residents understand coverage as well as the benefits of homeowners’ insurance.

What is homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance is property insurance with many bundled benefits designed to cover your home’s exterior and interior, foundation, other structures on your property, and assets. It’s also designed to provide liability protection for homeowners as well. However, the terms of coverage should be thoroughly understood because there are circumstances and some forms of damage that aren’t usually covered by a typical homeowners’ policy. An insurance agent can outline what’s covered by your homeowners’ policy as well as what the terms and conditions are. 

Will my homeowners’ insurance pay for the repair of my flooded car?

No. Homeowners insurance doesn’t pay for damage to your home, car, or property that results from flooding. However, if flooding indirectly causes damage, your homeowners’ policy may cover some repairs if they are in compliance with your insurance terms and conditions. However, typically, your automobile insurance will cover the repair of your flood-damaged car. Of course, auto liability insurance will not cover your car’s repairs, you will need to have the appropriate form of auto insurance to receive flood coverage.

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you have questions regarding what’s covered by homeowners’ insurance, call us at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC.  We serve the residents of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions and help you explore your options and benefits. 

3 Benefits of Automating Your Auto Insurance Bill Paying Process

Remember when you were a kid? You couldn’t wait to become an adult so you could do what you wanted.

While it’s true that being an adult grants you the freedom to do virtually anything you want to do, oftentimes you don’t have time to do it. Between taking care of the kids, going to work, and paying bills, you’re exhausted. It’s hard to appreciate the beauty of California, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and other West Coast scenic hotspots when there isn’t time to do so.

Thankfully, our agents at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC can help. We know it’s possible to regain some of your time and explore your surroundings. For instance, you don’t have to sit in traffic or stand in line at the post office to mail off your car insurance note if you automate the process. There are other benefits to taking this route as well.

Some of them include:

  • Saves time and effort: When you use technology to help you pay your car insurance note, you won’t have to rely on manual processes that require a lot of both human intervention and paperwork.
  • Helps improve your credit score: Automating your bill-paying process helps you avoid late payments and delinquencies. Both negatively affect your credit history.
  • Helps the environment: Since you don’t have to mail or print your auto insurance bill, this reduces paper waste and carbon emissions.

These are just a few of the reasons automating your car insurance bill-paying process can help you. Learn more about this and other auto insurance benefits when you contact our experts at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC today. We take pride in helping our patrons in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona get the best coverage for their needs and budget. 

I have a beat-up Volkswagen Beetle that I drive daily. Should I invest in classic car insurance?

Classic car insurance is often misunderstood. Not every old car is eligible for classic car insurance. Typically, classic car insurance is designed for much older cars that aren’t driven daily. These cars are usually in great condition and are often limited edition. Our team at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC helps old car owners from California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona understand classic car insurance.

What is Classic Car Insurance?

Classic car insurance is designed for cars that are usually more than fifteen years old. However, there are other characteristics that describe a classic car as well. Also, classic cars are usually kept in their original condition. However, keep in mind that, aside from a few general rules of thumb, every insurance company has its own definition of what qualifies a car as classic.

Classic car insurance is similar to conventional car insurance in that drivers are able to obtain coverage for liability, comprehensive, and collision. However, it differs from conventional car insurance in a few ways. First, your car’s value must be agreed upon by both you and the insurance company. Antique or classic cars usually increase in value. Also, classic car insurance provides other benefits or specialized coverage unique to classic cars.

I have a beat-up Volkswagen Beetle that I drive daily. Should I invest in classic car insurance?

Probably not. Every old car isn’t eligible for classic car insurance. Also, classic car insurance isn’t designed for cars that are driven daily or used as primary vehicles. The idea of classic car insurance is centered heavily on the idea that the car will continue to accrue in value. If your car is in poor condition and driven daily, it’s likely not to accrue in value, and this wouldn’t be a good candidate for classic car insurance.

It may be difficult to determine which cars will be deemed classic. Our team at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC  can answer questions about classic car insurance. Call us. We’re standing by to serve you in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. 

Why Do Lenders Typically Require Burrows to Carry Home Insurance?

If you buy a home and take out a loan, such as a mortgage, your lender will likely require that you take out homeowner’s insurance. Some new homeowners are surprised by this requirement. However, as we’ll see below, insuring your home is important for both the owner and lender. If you’d like to explore home insurance policy options and want to speak with an agent serving California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona, get in touch with Avail Insurance Solutions LLC.

With Home Insurance Lenders Want to Protect Themselves

When you take out a mortgage or similar loan, that loan is tied to your home or property. This greatly reduces risks for lenders. If someone should fall behind on their payments, the lender can take control of the property and then sell it to recoup their losses. Since this greatly reduces risks, the lender can charge borrowers lower interest rates.

If a home were to be destroyed by a fire, storm, or other event, however, it would greatly reduce the value of the collateral. For the lender, this would greatly increase risks. Further, if someone took out a mortgage but their home ended up destroyed, they might stop making their mortgage payments. From the borrower’s point of view, since they no longer have a home, they may not want to make house payments.

The bank could take control of the land and sell it. However, the land and damaged property may not fetch enough money to cover the outstanding debt tied to the mortgage. For this reason, lenders typically require that borrowers take out homeowner’s insurance. This insurance will in some cases cover the costs of repairing and replacing damaged and destroyed properties. Ultimately, this protects both the lender and the borrower.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Considering home insurance options in California, Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona? Contact Avail Insurance Solutions LLC today.

Four things that might surprise you about your auto insurance policy

Motorists in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona should be adequately informed about their auto insurance needs and responsibilities. There might be some things you’re not aware of about your auto insurance policy. At Avail Insurance Solutions LLC, we’re here to ensure that consumers know everything they need to know about auto insurance coverage.

The following are four things that might surprise you about your auto insurance policy.  

Your auto insurance policy might not cover you in the event of damages caused by fire or theft.

All auto insurance policies don’t cover damage from fire or theft. If you want to enjoy coverage for these types of incidents, you need to add comprehensive coverage to your auto insurance policy.  

Your auto insurance might come in handy if your vehicle breaks down on the road.

Many auto insurance policies include roadside assistance coverage. With this type of coverage, you can get towing costs covered when your vehicle breaks down. 

Your auto insurance policy may cover you for rental vehicle costs after an accident.

Rental coverage is one type of coverage that you really should make sure you have on your policy. With rental coverage, you can get a rental car paid for after an accident if your vehicle is in the shop for repairs for a while. 

Your auto insurance policy is impacted by how much you use your vehicle. 

Auto insurance providers usually ask policyholders how often they use their vehicles.

Policyholders who don’t use their vehicle on a daily basis should definitely make sure their insurance provider knows this because they may be able to enjoy a discount as a result. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you need to ensure you’re vehicle, call Avail Insurance Solutions LLC to get a quote on an auto insurance policy. We meet the auto insurance needs of consumers in Arizona, Nevada, California, and Oregon.